- Hokej - boxyexpand_more
- Hokej - balíčkyexpand_more
- Fotbal - boxyexpand_more
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- Příslušenstvíexpand_more
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- Minisety a minisérieexpand_more
- Bulletiny, ročenkyexpand_more
- 24-25 Maxa Ligaexpand_more
- 24-25 Tipsport ELH I.expand_more
- 23-24 GOAL Cards Finallyexpand_more
- 2024 LC Memorable Momentsexpand_more
- 2024 LC Golden Pragueexpand_more
- 2024 Hokejové Českoexpand_more
- 2024 LC Expectationsexpand_more
- 23-24 Tipsport ELH II.expand_more
- 23-24 GOAL Cards Chance liga II.expand_more
- 23-24 GOAL Cards Chance liga I.expand_more
- 23-24 Tipsport ELH I.expand_more
- 2023 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 2023 LC Rekordy ELHexpand_more
- 22-23 GOAL Cards Chance liga Updateexpand_more
- 22-23 Tipsport ELH Extendedexpand_more
- 22-23 GOAL Cards Chance liga II.expand_more
- 22-23 Tipsport ELH II.expand_more
- 22-23 GOAL Cards Chance liga I.expand_more
- 22-23 Tipsport ELH I.expand_more
- 2022 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 21-22 Tipsport ELH II.expand_more
- 21-22 Tipsport ELH I.expand_more
- 2021 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 2021 League Dynastyexpand_more
- 2021 OFS The Final Seriesexpand_more
- 21-22 OFS Classicexpand_more
- 20-21 OFS Classic II.expand_more
- 20-21 OFS Classic I.expand_more
- 2020 OFS Czech Hockey Hall of Fameexpand_more
- 2020 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 19-20 OFS Classic II.expand_more
- 19-20 OFS Chance ligaexpand_more
- 19-20 OFS Classic I.expand_more
- 2019 Fenomén Vsetínexpand_more
- 2019 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 18-19 OFS Classic II.expand_more
- 18-19 OFS Chance ligaexpand_more
- 18-19 Premium Cardsexpand_more
- 18-19 OFS Classic I.expand_more
- 2018 You Want the Bestexpand_more
- 2018 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 2018 OFS Tournament of the Centuryexpand_more
- 17-18 OFS Classic II.expand_more
- 17-18 OFS Classic I.expand_more
- 17-18 Premium Cardsexpand_more
- 2017 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 16-17 OFS Classic II.expand_more
- 16-17 OFS Classic I.expand_more
- 2016 OFS Icebookexpand_more
- 2016 OFS Silver Seasonexpand_more
- 2016 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 2016 Hidden Treasuresexpand_more
- 15-16 OFS Classic II.expand_more
- 15-16 OFS Classic I.expand_more
- 2015 Pearls from stockexpand_more
- 14-15 OFS Classic II.expand_more
- 2015 MK Reprezentaceexpand_more
- 14-15 OFS Classic I.expand_more
- 2014 OFS Masked Storiesexpand_more
- 2013 OFS Exclusiveexpand_more
- 13-14 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 12-13 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 2012 HC Mostexpand_more
- 2012 Winners Take Allexpand_more
- 11-12 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 2011 OFS Premiumexpand_more
- 2011 He Saves He Winsexpand_more
- 10-11 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 2009 Legendy CS Czech Retro Legendsexpand_more
- 09-10 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 08-09 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 07-08 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 04-05 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 03-04 OFS Plusexpand_more
- 02-03 DSexpand_more
- 01-02 DSexpand_more
- 00-01 OFS Cardsexpand_more
- 00-01 DSexpand_more
- 99-00 DSexpand_more
- 99-00 Score 1.DZ Ligaexpand_more
- 98-99 OFS Cards II.expand_more
- 98-99 OFS Cards I.expand_more
- 98-99 DSexpand_more
- Nezařazenéexpand_more
- 24-25 Tipos Extraliga I.expand_more
- 2024 Hokejové Slovenskoexpand_more
- 23-24 Tipos Extraliga II.expand_more
- 23-24 Tipos Extraliga I.expand_more
- 2023 Winter Gamesexpand_more
- 22-23 SHLexpand_more
- 22-23 Tipos Extraliga II.expand_more
- 2023 Hokejové Slovenskoexpand_more
- 22-23 Tipos Extraliga I.expand_more
- 21-22 Tipos Extraliga II.expand_more
- 2022 Hokejové Slovenskoexpand_more
- 21-22 Tipos Extraliga I.expand_more
- 20-21 SHLexpand_more
- 20-21 Tipos Extraliga II.expand_more
- 20-21 Tipos Extraliga I.expand_more
- 2020 Pocta Legendám II.expand_more
- 2020 All Star Editionexpand_more
- 19-20 Tipsport Ligaexpand_more
- 2019 Winter Classicexpand_more
- 18-19 Tipsport Ligaexpand_more
- 2018 Pocta legendám I.expand_more
- 17-18 Tipsport Ligaexpand_more
- 16-17 Tipsport Ligaexpand_more
- 23-24 NHLexpand_more
- 22-23 NHLexpand_more
- 21-22 NHLexpand_more
- 20-21 NHLexpand_more
- 19-20 NHLexpand_more
- 18-19 NHLexpand_more
- 17-18 NHLexpand_more
- 16-17 NHLexpand_more
- 15-16 NHLexpand_more
- 14-15 NHLexpand_more
- 13-14 NHLexpand_more
- 12-13 NHLexpand_more
- 11-12 NHLexpand_more
- 10-11 NHLexpand_more
- 09-10 NHLexpand_more
- 08-09 NHLexpand_more
- 07-08 NHLexpand_more
- 06-07 NHLexpand_more
- 05-06 NHLexpand_more
- 04-05 NHLexpand_more
- 03-04 NHLexpand_more
- 02-03 NHLexpand_more
- 01-02 NHLexpand_more
- 00-01 NHLexpand_more
- 99-00 NHLexpand_more
- 98-99 NHLexpand_more
- 97-98 NHLexpand_more
- 96-97 NHLexpand_more
- 95-96 NHLexpand_more
- 94-95 NHLexpand_more
- 93-94 NHLexpand_more
- 92-93 NHLexpand_more
- 91-92 NHLexpand_more
- 90-91 NHLexpand_more
- 21-22 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 2021 KHL Exclusiveexpand_more
- 2020 KHL Collectionexpand_more
- 20-21 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 2019 Dinamo Rigaexpand_more
- 19-20 KHL Sereal Premiumexpand_more
- 19-20 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 18-19 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 2018 KHL Exclusiveexpand_more
- 17-18 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 2017 KHL Gold Collectionexpand_more
- 16-17 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 2016 KHL Platinum Collectionexpand_more
- 15-16 Dinamo Rigaexpand_more
- 15-16 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 14-15 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 2013 KHL Gold Collectionexpand_more
- 2013 KHL All Starexpand_more
- 13-14 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 12-13 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 11-12 KHL All Starexpand_more
- 11-12 KHL Serealexpand_more
- 10-11 KHLexpand_more
- Finskoexpand_more
- Německoexpand_more
- Norskoexpand_more
- Polskoexpand_more
- Rakouskoexpand_more
- Švédskoexpand_more
- Švýcarskoexpand_more
- Mezinárodníexpand_more
- Nezařazenéexpand_more
- 24-25 Chance liga I.expand_more
- 2024 Hrdí Lviexpand_more
- 23-24 Fortuna liga II.expand_more
- 23-24 Fortuna liga I.expand_more
- 22-23 Fortuna Liga II.expand_more
- 2023 Dekády fotbalové ligyexpand_more
- 22-23 Fortuna Liga I.expand_more
- 2022 Bravo Duklaexpand_more
- 2022 Repre v srdcíchexpand_more
- 21-22 Fortuna Liga II.expand_more
- 21-22 Fortuna Liga I.expand_more
- 20-21 Fortuna Liga II.expand_more
- 20-21 Fortuna liga I.expand_more
- 2012 Sešívaní z Edenuexpand_more
- 2011 Warriors from Ďolíčekexpand_more
- 96-97 APS Cardsexpand_more
- 96-97 Papyroexpand_more
- 2024 Slovenskí Sokoliexpand_more
- 21-22 Fortuna Ligaexpand_more
- 2021 Slovenskí Sokoliexpand_more
- 19-20 Futbalové Slovenskoexpand_more
- 17-18 Futbalové Slovenskoexpand_more
- 24-25 Ekstraklasa I.expand_more
- 23-24 Ekstraklasa II.expand_more
- 23-24 Ekstraklasa I.expand_more
- Anglieexpand_more
- Francieexpand_more
- Itálieexpand_more
- Německoexpand_more
- Španělskoexpand_more
- Švédskoexpand_more
- USAexpand_more
- Mezinárodníexpand_more
- 2024 Czech Baseball Extraleagueexpand_more
- 2023 Czech Baseball Extraleague II.expand_more
- 2023 Czech Baseball Extraleague I.expand_more
- 2022 Czech Baseball Extraleagueexpand_more
- 2020 Czech Baseballexpand_more
- 2019 Oktagon MMAexpand_more
- 2016 Sport Investexpand_more
- 00-05 Stadion Cardsexpand_more
Způsoby dopravy
Osobní předání
jen v Ostravě (ideálně na burze karet) po předchozí domluvě
Česko - obyčejně:
29 Kč (do 10 karet)
35 Kč (11-50 karet)
29 Kč (do 10 karet)
35 Kč (11-50 karet)
Česko - doporučeně:
65 Kč (do 10 karet)
79 Kč (11-50 karet)
85 Kč (nad 51 karet)
65 Kč (do 10 karet)
79 Kč (11-50 karet)
85 Kč (nad 51 karet)
Slovensko - obyčejně:
65 Kč (do 10 karet)
120 Kč (11-50 karet)
65 Kč (do 10 karet)
120 Kč (11-50 karet)
Slovensko - doporučeně:
145 Kč (do 10 karet)
185 Kč (11-50 karet)
320 Kč (nad 51 karet)
145 Kč (do 10 karet)
185 Kč (11-50 karet)
320 Kč (nad 51 karet)
Evropa - obyčejně:
65 Kč (do 10 karet)
120 Kč (11-50 karet)
65 Kč (do 10 karet)
120 Kč (11-50 karet)
Evropa - doporučeně:
145 Kč (do 10 karet)
185 Kč (11-50 karet)
320 Kč (nad 51 karet)
145 Kč (do 10 karet)
185 Kč (11-50 karet)
320 Kč (nad 51 karet)
USA, Kanada - obyčejně:
85 Kč (do 10 karet)
199 Kč (11-50 karet)
85 Kč (do 10 karet)
199 Kč (11-50 karet)
USA, Kanada - doporučeně:
145 Kč (do 10 karet)
295 Kč (11-50 karet)
499 Kč (nad 51 karet)
145 Kč (do 10 karet)
295 Kč (11-50 karet)
499 Kč (nad 51 karet)